Message to the World

What would you say to the entire world if you had the opportunity? 

Watch the interviews in the video below and think about what would be your message to the world. Comment if you agree with some of the messages of these people. Also, tell us your own message. Be nice, creative, and very clear 😊


  1. I would tell the word that we stop throwing garbage in the streets and not kill so man animals so that they are not exausted and with the opinion that we are a family with the wird and we should not let it end

  2. If i could say something to the world, i would tell it to respect the planet since we are here from in passing, also to enjoy life as you want without thinking what people say since we will all die and no one will remember us and please take care of the animals as they are very defenseless beings and need us.

    Regarding the comments of the people i like you since some are aware of improving the world and people.

    with love: Emily

  3. En el video vi a diferentes personas enviando un mensaje al mundo, todos fueron buenos excepto el del medio que fue muy grosero.
    Mi mensaje para el mundo es, no sean tímidos, porque de lo contrario se quedarán solos.

  4. 1. my opinion about the first man is that he is right we should help each other and theat each other like brothers

    2.i like the opinion of the second but you have to have limits

    3.yes, we must love each other

    My opinion is that life is beautiful and we should not wast it fighting or hurning ourselves, we must accept and take care of ourselves understand that we are not perfect and leave stereotypes behind, not judge ourselves and take care of the planet in order to create more generations and prosperity full of life live an fun life but have limits

  5. 1. I really liked what the first man said because he is right, if people work as a family without judging, life would be much better.

    2. Yes, love for others is important, but to love them you must first love and accept yourself.

    My opinion is that we should stop judging and attacking each other since this leads us to hatred and war, we better be understanding with others and respect each other

  6. I agree with a person who used to say that they love each other, and I think he is right since we have to love each other with our defects and abilities and I also tell the world to enjoy life and love the people they love because you don't know when your time to die comes

  7. I would say that the only opportunity to change is start to love and take care of each other, having good relationships, bounds, values and always a smile <3


  8. We must accept ourselves, we must not discriminate against others, accept ourselves as we are and believe in ourselves.

  9. The message that I would give to the whole world would be that we are aware of the damage that we are doing to the earth and we are in time to be able to create a change, I would also tell them to enjoy their lives because there is only one life

    And my opinion of the video was that I liked what they said because there are good comments that can help us reflect

  10. i would say, let´s stop polluting the streests, let´s live our happy lives ( but without burning stages ), let´s fulfill our dreams, lets love ourselves and let´s take care of animals.

  11. I didn't like it, I thought it was nice that the others gave such good and useful messages to us, except for the media, it was very rude. My message to the world is, always fight for your dreams, because the only thing that prevents you from fulfilling them is your negative thoughts.

  12. I agree with most of the comments because we should have fun and enjoy everything we have and at the right time, something that is very important to me is fighting, fighting for what makes us happy and for people who love us, no Let's let go of that easily, let's fight for a victory.


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